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Small Display

Showing 1–10 of 114 results

  • 2025 Automotive Display Technology and Industry Trends Analysis Report


    February 18, 2025

    The automotive industry is undergoing rapid transformation beyond mere mechanical innovation, entering the era of Software-Defined Vehicles (SDVs). As autonomous driving technology and electric vehicle advancements accelerate, cars are evolving from simple transportation tools into smart devices centered around user interaction.

  • Micro-LED Display Technologies for XR Applications


    January 22, 2025

    Micro-LED display is gaining attention as a next-generation display after OLED display. Surely before commercialization, there are several improvements required on manufacturing processes, production costs, full-color implementation, and yield management.

  • 4Q 2024, AMOLED Emitting Material Market Track


    December 9, 2024

    The quarterly emitting material market track investigates sales and sales volume by OLED emitting layer and common layer to understand the overall market for emitting materials. Performance analysis was categorized by country, panel maker, application product, layer, OLED method (RGB, WRGB, QD-OLED). A report of quarterly performances for three years is organized and provided. Market information up to 2028 was forecasted by predicting the amount of luminescent material usage and sales by company for the next five years. The Market Track Quarterly Report provides necessary information to professionals leading the OLED industry.

  • 4Q 2024, Medium & Large OLED Display Market Track


    December 2, 2024

    This market track analyzes the current state of OLED production capacity for 10-inch and larger OLED displays categorized by major panel makers into major product groups such as Automotive, Note PC, Monitor, and TV. Detailed quarterly sales and shipments for product groups were investigated. Analysis of market forecasts 5 years later, such as ASP by application and OLED demand/supply analysis, are also provided.

  • 4Q 2024, Small OLED Display Market Track

    December 2, 2024

    This market track analyzes the OLED production capacity for 10-inch or smaller OLED displays, categorized by major panel makers, countries, generations, substrates, TFT technologies, and application products (Watch, Smartphone, Foldable phone). Detailed quarterly sales and shipments for product groups were investigated. It analyzes ASP by application, OLED demand/supply, and provides market forecast analysis data for small OLED displays for the next 5 years until 2028.

  • 2024 OLEDoS Industry and Technology Report


    October 30, 2024

    This report is centered around OLEDoS (Organic Light Emitting Diode on Silicon) technology, providing a comprehensive analysis of XR devices, market conditions, industry trends, and key manufacturing and technical issues. It covers the current state of product development, major technological challenges, supply chain analysis, and essential materials. The report highlights the latest trends in the XR market and underscores the critical role OLEDoS plays in XR devices, offering a detailed analysis of key technologies and material advancements.
    OLEDoS combines the advantages of both LCoS and LEDoS while addressing their limitations, making it the most promising micro-display technology for XR devices due to its scalability for mass production. The report thoroughly outlines the significant technical issues associated with OLEDoS and includes research trends aimed at solving these challenges.
    The success of the OLEDoS industry hinges on strong collaboration between the supply chain, manufacturers, consumers, and research institutions. This report is designed to offer valuable insights into the cooperative efforts necessary to drive success in the OLEDoS sector.

  • 2024 OLED Technology and Industry Trend Analysis Report for IT


    September 11, 2024

    This year, both Apple’s iPad Pro and Huawei’s MatePad Pro models were launched with tandem OLED technology applied to their tablet PCs. As Samsung Display and BOE finalize investments in 8.5-generation lines for IT products, the adoption of OLED in IT devices is gaining momentum. Furthermore, interest in OLED notebooks, known for their low power consumption, is increasing as on-device AI notebook ecosystems continue to develop.

  • 2024 XR Devices and Micro-display Megatrends Analysis Report


    September 9, 2024

    XR is emerging as a key industry that will drive the next generation of IT, following the innovations brought by smartphones, and holds immense value. In the 21st century, smartphones revolutionized the IT industry by integrating features like cameras, gaming, and digital wallets, becoming the leading IT device that continues to evolve.

  • 3Q 2024, AMOLED Emitting Material Market Track


    August 27, 2024

    The quarterly emitting material market track investigates sales and sales volume by OLED emitting layer and common layer to understand the overall market for emitting materials. Performance analysis was categorized by country, panel maker, application product, layer, OLED method (RGB, WRGB, QD-OLED). A report of quarterly performances for three years is organized and provided. Market information up to 2028 was forecasted by predicting the amount of luminescent material usage and sales by company for the next five years. The Market Track Quarterly Report provides necessary information to professionals leading the OLED industry.

  • 3Q 2024, Small OLED Display Market Track

    August 16, 2024

    This market track analyzes the OLED production capacity for 10-inch or smaller OLED displays, categorized by major panel makers, countries, generations, substrates, TFT technologies, and application products (Watch, Smartphone, Foldable phone). Detailed quarterly sales and shipments for product groups were investigated. It analyzes ASP by application, OLED demand/supply, and provides market forecast analysis data for small OLED displays for the next 5 years until 2028.