
Showing 64–72 of 112 results

  • 2022 Micro-display Technology Report


    March 22, 2022

    As the mobile phone of the past had evolved into the smartphone we know today, the smart era that had begun is teeming to evolve once again. This time it is in the form of wearables as in Augmented Reality Glasses otherwise known as, AR Glasses.
    A smartphone is classified as a mobile device because it can be carried around and carried in a bag or pocket. However, AR Glasses are classified as wearable devices because it is a device worn on the face.
    AR Glasses have transparent glass on the front just like any ordinary glasses and the information to be displayed is also imaged on this glass. This gives the user the advantage to see information immediately while walking. In addition, various information can be displayed on top of visible objects through the transparent glass, making it a new experience different from previous information devices.
    As micro-displays, which make up AR Glasses, there are LCoS (liquid crystal on silicon), OLEDoS (OLED on silicon), micro-LED, MEMS, etc., in which liquid crystal or OLED is placed on a silicon substrate.
    In addition to AR Glasses, VR devices are establishing themselves as essential devices in the Metaverse Era. VR devices will provide a more immersive experience for games and movies than any other preceding devices. For VR displays, micro-displays are mainly used.
    Accordingly, the world’s best IT companies such as Apple, Meta, Google, and Sony are spurring on the development and commercialization of AR Glasses and VR devices.
    AR Glasses and micro-displays for VR devices will establish themselves as game-changers. These devices are set to replace smartphones and game consoles, and other information devices within the coming years.
    In this micro-display report, the product trends of AR Glasses, VR device developers, and the current development status of micro-display (a key component of AR and VR) were thoroughly investigated to analyze technological progress and problems in detail.

  • 1Q 2022, OLED Emitting Material Market Track


    March 14, 2022

    This quarterly emitting material market track report researched/analyzed the market of OLED emitting materials.
    We analyzed the performance of each layer of emitting material and each company, and analyzed the total market of emitting materials and each layer by examining the sales of each emitting layer and common layer, and forecast the market by dividing by OLED method (RGB, WRGB, QD-OLED).
    Also, for the next five years, the use of emitting materials and sales of each company were predicted to predict OLED market information until 2025. The Market Track Quarterly Report provides necessary information to industry leaders leading the OLED industry.

  • 1Q 2022, OLED Components & Material Market Track


    March 14, 2022

    This quarterly parts and materials market track report selected 20 major OLED parts and materials companies to conduct market research.
    Substrate, TFT, Encapsulation, Touch sensor, Polarizer, Adhesive, Cover window, Module 8 categories were classified into the quarterly market, and market shares were analyzed by company and application (TV, Mobile).
    In addition, it predicted the supply volume and market by parts and materials until 2025. The Market Track Quarterly Report provides necessary information to industry leaders leading the OLED industry.

  • 1Q 2022, Small OLED Display Market Track


    March 14, 2022

    This report provides the OLED production capacity status, which is very important to all companies across the industry for small OLED displays of 10 inches or less, as well as shipments and sales performance by major panel makers and applications. In addition, detailed quarterly shipments, sales performance, ASP and OLED demand/supply analysis by application, and market forecast analysis data for the next five years are also provided for major product lines such as Watch, Smartphone, Foldable Phone and Tablet.

  • 1Q 2022, Medium & Large OLED Display Market Track


    March 14, 2022

    This report provides the OLED production capacity status, which is very important to all companies across the industry for small OLED displays of 10 inches or less, as well as shipments and sales performance by major panel makers and applications. In addition, detailed quarterly shipments, sales performance, ASP and OLED demand/supply analysis by application, and market forecast analysis data for the next five years are also provided for major product lines such as Watch, Smartphone, Foldable Phone and Tablet.

  • 2022 Medium and Large OLED Display Annual Report


    March 11, 2022

    This “2022 Medium and Large OLED annual report” investigates the industry analysis, business status by panel makers and the market of medium and large sized OLED displays over 10 inches. Samsung Display is expanding its OLED business area from smartphones to IT applications such as notebooks and tablet PCs. LG Display and China’s BOE are also constructing facilities and planning investments to enable IT panel production. By forecasting the OLED investment timing and capacity by each company, the mass production capacity by company, application product, and generation was predicted. In addition, by forecasting the overall OLED market by 2026, the market by panel maker, and by application product, the trend of the medium and large sized OLED industry in the future was understood. This report will be an important guide for establishing business strategies to respond to the OLED-related technology, materials, and equipment markets in the future.

  • 2022 Small OLED Display Annual Report


    March 3, 2022

    “2022 Small OLED Display Annual Report” investigates the industry analysis, business status by panel makers, and the market of small OLED displays 10 inches or smaller. With the incredible success of the foldable phones, Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Flip 3 released by Samsung Electronics last year, expectations for foldable phones to be brought into the mainstream are rising. We investigated Samsung Display’s new foldable OLED technology and panel makers’ foldable OLED production schedules until the first half of 2022 in this report. We examined small OLED panel companies’ current status of OLED line up and made a forecast of the whole OLED market from now to 2026. Also, our research includes forecasts of future market trends of small OLED industry by panel companies, application products, and countries.
    This report will be an important guide for establishing business strategies to respond to the OLED-related technology, materials, and equipment markets in the future.

  • AMOLED Manufacturing Process Report Ver.4


    January 5, 2022

    The AMOLED manufacturing process report analyzes the structure and manufacturing process by dividing AMOLED into small, medium-sized, and large-area. They also schematically design the inspection process of small and medium-sized AMOLED, so each company can understand the overall structure and core processes of AMOLED.
    In the currently published AMOLED process report ver.4, the QD-OLED structure and process were updated, and the structure and process were added based on the decapsulated LTPO TFT applied to the Galaxy Note21.
    This report is a must-read report for not only panel makers but also equipment, components, and materials makers to understand the AMOLED manufacturing process.

  • 4Q 2021, OLED Manufacturing Equipment Market Track


    December 24, 2021

    The Equipment Market Track Report surveyed the equipment market by quarter by selecting equipment for each process required for OLED manufacturing.
    The equipment market was analyzed by quarter and year by dividing by Major Process (Substrate, TFT, OLED, Encapsulation, Cell, Module), Company, Nation, Generation, and Substrate Type (Flexible, Rigid). The equipment market was estimated at the time of ordering for evaporation equipment. The Market Track Quarterly Report provides necessary information to industry leaders leading the OLED industry.