
2024 XR Devices and Micro-display Megatrends Analysis Report


September 9, 2024



XR is emerging as a key industry that will drive the next generation of IT, following the innovations brought by smartphones, and holds immense value. In the 21st century, smartphones revolutionized the IT industry by integrating features like cameras, gaming, and digital wallets, becoming the leading IT device that continues to evolve.

XR devices are anticipated to surpass the digital convergence achieved by smartphones, ushering in a new era of second-generation digital convergence. Apple’s Vision Pro, designed for computing in virtual spaces, showcases this potential. Future MR devices are expected to revolutionize and integrate products such as TVs, monitors, laptops, and tablets. Additionally, AR devices in the form of glasses could replace smartphones and smartwatches.

Over the past five years, the most commonly used display technology in XR devices has been LCD, followed by micro-OLED. While many devices still use LCD, recent product releases show a growing trend toward adopting micro-displays (such as micro-OLED, micro-LED, and LCoS). Among the latest models, micro-OLED is the most widely used due to its superior image quality and advanced manufacturing maturity. Although micro-LED holds the best overall performance potential, its high-resolution full-color manufacturing technology is still under development, so it is expected to take some time before it hits the market. For now, micro-OLED is anticipated to play the most pivotal role in XR displays.

UBI Research has analyzed the key specifications of XR devices released between 2019 and 2023, focusing particularly on the displays used, especially micro-displays and optical systems.

1. Executive Summary

2. Analyze Hot Issues
2.1 Hot Issues in the XR Industry
2.2 Hot Issues in the XR Device Industry
2.3 Micro-display Hot Issues for XR Devices
2.4 Hot Issues in Optics for XR Devices
2.5 XR Industries and AI

3. Digital Convergence Will Be Driven by XR Devices
3.1 Digital convergency
3.2 The First Wave of Digital Convergence
3.3 The Second Wave of Digital Convergence

4. XR Definition and Industry Components
4.1 What is XR?
4.2 XR Industry Components

5. XR Devices Released in 2023 – 1H 2024
5.1 XR Devices Released in 2023 – 1H 2024
5.2 Specification Breakdown of XR Devices Released in 2023 – 1H 2024

6. Analyzing XR Device Trends Over The Last 5 Years (2019-2023)
6.1 Scope and Categorization
6.2 Analyzing Trends in The Number of XR Device Model Releases
6.3 Analyzing Optical System Trends for XR Deices
6.4 Analyzing Display Trends for XR Devices
6.5 Correlating Optics and Displays for XR Devices
6.6 Analyzing Tracking Types for XR Devices

7. AR Device Trends Analysis (2019-2023)
7.1 Analyzing Release Trends
7.2 Analyzing Display Trends
7.3 Analyzing Optical System Trends
7.4 Correlating the Display with the Optics
7.5 Analyzing Power Connection and Tracking Trends

8. MR Device Trend Analysis (2019-2023)
8.1 Analyzing Release Trends
8.2 Analyzing Display Trends
8.3 Analyze Optics Trends
8.4 Correlating Displays and Optics
8.5 Analyze Power Connection and Tracking Trends

9. VR Device Trend Analysis (2019-2023)
9.1 Analyze Release Trends
9.2 Analyze Display Trends
9.3 Analyze Optics Trends
9.4 Correlating Displays and Optics
9.5 Analyze Power Connection and Tracking Trends

10. Analyze Display Trends (2019~2023)
10.1 Analyzing Display Ratio
10.2 Analyze Display Trends by Year
10.3 Application Ratio Analysis by Micro-display
10.4 Analyzing Display Ratio by XR Device

11. Analyze Optics Trends (2019~2023)
11.1 Analyze Optics Trends by XR Device
11.2 Analyzing XR Device Usage by Optics
11.3 Analyze Optics Trends by Year
11.4 FoV analysis by XR device
11.5 Analyzing FoV Trends by Year
11.6 FoV Analysis by Optics

12. Analyzing Micro-display and Optis Combinations for XR Devices (2019-2023)
12.1 Correlating Micro-display and Optics
12.2 Correlating the Micro-display with the Optics by XR Device
12.3 Correlation Analysis with Micro-display and Optics
12.4 Correlation Analysis with Micro-displays by Optical system
12.5 Analyzing the Resolution of Micro-displays for AR
12.6 Analyzing the Resolution of Micro-displays for MR and VR
12.7 Micro-display and FoV Analysis

13. Analysis of XR device Makers and Number of Models by Country (2019-2023)
13.1 Analysis of The Number of XR Device Makers by Country
13.2 Analyzing The Number of XR Device Models by Country
13.3 Analyzing The Number of Companies and Models in Key XR Countries

14. Micro-OLED
14.1 Micro-OLED Structure
14.2 Micro-OLED Key Players
14.3 White Micro-OLED Development Trends
14.4 RGB Micro-OLED Development Trends

15. Micro-LED
15.1 Micro-LED Product Status for XR
15.2 Micro-LED Development Trends

16. Optics for AR
16.1 Optis Requirements for AR
16.2 Types of Optics for AR
16.3 Birdbath Properties
16.4 Waveguide Type Characteristics

17. Success Factors for XR Devices and The Micro-display Industry
17.1 The Direction of XR Devices Commercialization
17.2 Success Factors for The MR and AR Device Industry
17.3 Success Factors for the Micro-display Industry

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